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  • Préparation
  • Take-off
05.06.24  /  Events


Last week, the second edition of FLYING WHALES DAY took place at the Trianon Theater in Paris. This uniquely styled annual general meeting invited shareholders, including all employees, public funders, and consortium partners to gather.

FLYING WHALES is an adventure for which 200 passionate employees, based in Suresnes, Bordeaux, and Montreal, work daily. In total, with our partners’ teams, more than 500 people work together to bring about this new mode of transport.

This special moment allowed for sharing the numerous achievements of the past year: the applications that resulted in agreements, the preparatory work for operations including the pilot training school, ongoing tests demonstrating stability during load exchanges, and progress in preparing the manufacturing plant with particular emphasis on minimizing its environmental footprint.

Whether through the various presentations designed to immerse everyone in the present and future of FLYING WHALES or during the cocktail that followed, everyone received the same information, in full transparency.

For that was indeed the goal: all actors contributing to this adventure must understand each other’s stakes to derive the best from them. This is how this project will succeed against the increasingly accelerating American competition.