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26.10.24  /  Publications

The 4th Steering Committee of the i-Démo e-Propu & Distrib project

A few days ago, the 4th Steering Committee meeting for the i-Démo e-Propu & Distrib project, launched in 2022, was held, with the participation of leading French industrial players in the field of electric propulsion. Together, we are moving forward with the development of the LCA60T’s electrical distribution and 32 electric thrusters.

This CoPil was an opportunity to share initial feedback on the prototypes built, and to visit several of CEA-Liten’s high-tech test facilities. Finally, the consortium was able to witness ageing and cycling tests currently being carried out by the CEA on cells from the Battery Pack developed for the LCA60T.

Next steps: start the various integration and verification test campaigns on ground test benches from early 2025.

🤝 Many thanks to Bpifrance for their support, and to our technical partners BrightLoop Converters, Akira Technologies, SERMA Group, Amphenol SEFEE and CEA-Liten for their invaluable contribution to this ambitious project to develop low-carbon electric propulsion technologies for tomorrow’s aviation.

The i-Démo e-Propu & Distrib project is funded by the French government as part of #France2030 and by the European Union – Next Generation EU as part of the France Relance plan.