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01.09.23  /  Events

September in Gold

September in Gold

1 month to think about children with cancer and their families
1 month to raise awareness of the issues and difficulties they face
1 month to raise funds for research

Once again this year, FLYING WHALES is proud to support the Imagine for Margo – Children without Cancer association by taking part in the 12th edition of their “Children without Cancer” charity run on September 24. 28 employees registered and over €6,000 raised so far… We’re going to keep going!

If we all pull together, we’ll be able to accelerate the pace of research into cures for children with cancer.

So to support us, don’t hesitate to make a donation to one of our team members’ kitty:  FLYING WHALES – Enfants sans Cancer 2023 | Alvarum


Why run? Pourquoi courir ? – Enfants sans cancer (